Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 16 из 16
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
15-Мар-2016 | Application of monosymmetrical I-beams in light metal frames with variable stiffness | Sklyarov, I. O.; Скляров, I. О . |
2016 | Calcium carbonate synthesis with prescribed properties based on liquid waste of soda produ ction. | Mikhailova, E . O .; Panasenko, V . O .; Markova, N . B .; Михайлова, Є.О.; Панасенко, В.О.; Маркова, Н.Б. |
2016 | Modelling and solution of contact problem for infinite plate and cross-shaped embedment | Kozin, O. B .; Papkovskaya, O. B .; Kozina, M. O .; Козін, О. Б.; Папковська, О. Б.; Козіна, M. O. |
2016 | Interaction of weak shock waves with rectangular meshes in plate . | Mikulich, O . A .; Shvab’yuk, V. I.; Мікуліч, О.А.; Шваб’юк, В.І. |
2016 | Improvement of surface layers properties of precision engineering elements of optical ceramics by preliminary electron - beam surfacing | Yatsenko, I. V.; Яценко, І. В. |
2016 | Throughput increase of the covert communicatio n channel organized by the stable steganography algorithm using spatial domain of the image. | Kostyrka, O. V.; Костирка, О. В. |
2016 | New approach development for solution of cloning results detection problem in lossy saved digital image. | Kobozeva, Alla;; Grigorenko, Svitlana; Кобозєва, Алла Анатоліївна; Григоренко, Світлана Миколаївна; Кобозева, Алла Анатольевна; Григоренко, Светлана Николаевна |
2016 | Method of photomontage detection under conditions of limitations absence for photos falsification. | Zorilo, V. V.; Lebedeva, Ye. Yu.; Kozina, M. O.; Belush, D. S.; Зоріло, В. В.; Лебедєва, О. Ю.; Козіна, М. О.; Бєлуш, Д. С. |
2016 | Costs evaluation methodic of energy efficient computer network reengineering | Nesterenko, S.A.; Nesterenko, J.S.; Нестеренко, С.А.; Нестеренко, Ю.С. |
2016 | Research of the sediment formation intensity at the run - around cooling systems equipment with water cooling towers. | Ahrameev, V.G.; Ахрамєєв, В.Г. |
2016 | Modelling and optimi zation of seawater desalination process using mechanical vapour compression | Kravchenko, Vladimir; Surkov, Sergii; Ghanem, Hussam; Кравченко, Володимир Петрович; Сурков, Сергій Володимирович; Ганем, Хуссам |
2016 | Regularities of dust formation during stone cutting for construction works. | Lebedev, V. G.; Bespalova, A.V.; Dashkovskaya, O . P .; Лебедєв, В.Г.; Беспалова, А.В.; Дашковська, О.П. |
2016 | Prediction of strain state of landfill considering soil foundation and angle of slope . | Remez, N.S.; Osipova, T.A.; Ремез, Н.С.; Осіпова, Т.А |
2016 | Numerical researches of DGRP - type experimental frames using the finite elements method. | Mikhaylovskiy, D. V.; Matyuschenko, D. M.; Михайловський., Д.В.; Матющенко, Д.М. |
2016 | Modal analysis of a box shaped girder by numerical method | Rahbar - Ranji, Ahmad; Рахбар - Ранжі, Ахмад |
2016 | Analysis of fourth - grade flat machines with movable close - cycle formed by the rods and two complex links | Koshel, S.O.; Koshel, G.V.; Кошель, С.О.; Кошель, Г.В. |
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 16 из 16