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Название: Taking account of the shift and inertia of rotation in problems of diagnostics of the spectra of critical forces mechanical systems
Авторы: Orobey, Victor
Оробей, Віктор Федорович
Оробей, Виктор Федорович
Nemchuk, Oleksii
Немчук, Олексій
Немчук, Алексей
Lymarenko, Oleksandr
Лимаренко, Олександр Михайлович
Лимаренко, Александр Михайлович
Piterska, Varvara
Пітерська, Варвара
Питерская, Варвара
Lohinova, Liliia
Лохінова, Лілія
Лохинова, Лилия
Ключевые слова: Boundary Element Method
Core System
Critical Force
Дата публикации: 2021
Библиографическое описание: Orobey, V., Nemchuk, O., Lymarenko, O., Piterska, V., Lohinova, L. (2021). Taking account of the shift and inertia of rotation in problems of diagnostics of the spectra of critical forces mechanical systems. Diagnostyka, 22 (1), 39–44.
Taking account of the shift and inertia of rotation in problems of diagnostics of the spectra of critical forces mechanical systems / V. Orobey, O. Nemchuk, O. Lymarenko, V. Piterska, L. Lohinova // Diagnostyka. – 2021. – N 22 (1). – P. 39–44.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Diagnostics of stability of the cores constructions, elements of the carrier system of the ship and port facilities, reduces to the definition of critical forces, excess which causes a transition of the system from one equilibrium state to another. Such a transition often leads to the destruction of the constructions or other forms of accidents, and therefore it is extremely undesirable and for practice it is important to knowledge of a specific spectrum of critical forces and their corresponding forms of loss of stability.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://doi.org/10.29354/diag/132555
ISSN: http://www.diagnostyka.net.pl/Taking-account-of-the-shift-and-inertia-of-rotation-in-problems-of-diagnostics-of,132555,0,2.html
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. АТ

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