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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 28
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Interrelation between the class of bent-sequences and the class of perfect binary arraysSokolov, Artem
2019Information Technologies based on Wavelet Transform for Soldered Joints Diagnostic of Printed Circuit BoardsShcherbakova, Galina; Krylov, Viktor; Sachenko, Anatoliy; Bykovyy, Pavlo; Zahorodnia, Diana; Komar, Myroslav; Kit, Ivan; Lendiuk, Dmytro; Kaniovskyi, Andriy; Dacko, Mykola
2019Mutation Control in Neat for Customizable Neural NetworksGalchenkov, Oleg; Nevrev, Alexander
2019Concept of the “Smart House” System for the Green Campus ProjectTeslenko, Pavlo; Lobachev, Mikhail; Kondratiev, Serhii; Terentiev, Kyrylo; Kuznichenko, Andrii
2019ІТ-Projects in Power EngineeringBedrii, Dmytro; Semko, Inga; Krylov, Victor
2019Designing of Neural Networks for Financial Market ForecastingAntoshchuk, Svitlana; Teslenko, Pavlo; Sytnyk, Volodymyr
2019Circular thermoactive interphase inclusion in a piecewise homogeneous transversal-isotropic spaceKryvyi, O.; Morozov, Yu.; Кривий, О.; Морозов, Ю.
2019Genesis and legal regulation of Mediation institute in UkraineShmalenko, Iuliia; Mitina, Olena; Kudelina, Olga
2019Univalent polynomials and Koebe’s one-quarter theoremDmitrishin, Dmitriy; Dyakonov, Konstantin; Stokolos, Alex
2019Digital Image Steganalysis: Current Methodologies and Future ChallengesEID, WAFA M.; ALOTAIBI, SARAH S.; ALQAHTANI, HASNA M.; SALEH, SAHAR Q.
2019Prospects for the application of many-valued logic functions in cryptographySokolov, Artem; Zhdanov, Oleg
2019Assessment of the effectiveness of the strategic management system of investment activities of companiesPotyshniak, Olena; Dobuliak, Lesia; Filippov, Volodymyr; Malakhovskyi, Yurii; Lozova, Oksana
2019Development of adaptive organizational and economic mechanism of strategic management of corporation resistance to riskAntokhov, Andrii; Tytynnik, Yryi; Krivenko, Alexander; Pashynskyi, Volodymyir; Cherkasova, Svitlana
2019Introduction of strategic management technology into the existing organizational and economic mechanism of the enterprisePerevozova, Iryna; Andryushchenko, Iryna; Vysotska, Maryna; Vasyliev, Andrii; Krivorotenko, Liudmyla
2019Combining strategic management and transformation processes in the environment of international companiesTereshchenko, Dina; Nikolaevskaya, Olga; Borysenko, Olha; Tkach, Kostyantyn; Filyppova, Svitlana
2019Company innovative development based on the strategic management conceptKatsero, Oksana; Kuzmenko, Yevhen; Tytynnik, Svitlana; Kolisnyk, Olha; Krivorotenko, Oleg
2019Assessment of the effectiveness of strategic personnel management of the companyKryshtanovych, Myroslav; Kapitanets, Svitlana; Filina, Svitlana; Oleksiuk, Nataliya; Prodius, Oksana
2019Accounting of transactions in electronic money: international trendsBartosova, Viera; Pshenichnikov, Vladislav; Ievtushenko, Ganna; Petrova, Laura; Ovchar, Petro
2019Organizational maintenance of internal control of electronic money at the enterpriseTkachenko, Serhii; Shatskaya, Zorina; Dashchenko, Natalia; Mu, Jianming; Malakhovskyi, Yurii
2019Cryptocurrency: Economic Essence and Features of AccountingSokolenko, Liudmyla; Ostapenko, Tetiana; Kubetska, Olga; Portna, Oksana; Tran, Thuy
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 28