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dc.contributor.authorMartynyuk, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorDrozd, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorSuhak, Hanna-
dc.contributor.authorMartynyuk, Dmitry-
dc.contributor.authorSugak, Lyudmila-
dc.contributor.authorМартинюк, Олександр Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorДрозд, Олександр Валентинович-
dc.contributor.authorСугак, Ганна Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorМартинюк, Дмитро Олександрович-
dc.contributor.authorСугак, Людмила Павлівна-
dc.contributor.authorМартынюк, Александр Николаевич-
dc.contributor.authorДрозд, Александр Валентинович-
dc.contributor.authorСугак, Анна Сергеевна-
dc.contributor.authorМартынюк, Дмитрий Александрович-
dc.contributor.authorСугак, Людмила Павловна-
dc.identifier.citationMartynyuk, O., Drozd, O., Suhak, H., Martynyuk, D., Sugak, L. (2019). Multidimensional Hierarchical Model of Behavioral Testing of Distributed Information Systems. IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium, Conference 13-16 Sept. 2019, p. 517-522.en
dc.identifier.citationMultidimensional Hierarchical Model of Behavioral Testing of Distributed Information Systems / O. Martynyuk, O. Drozd, H. Suhak, D. Martynyuk, L. Sugak // IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium : conference 13-16 sept. 2019. - 2019. - P. 517-522.en
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.1109/EWDTS.2019.8884402-
dc.description.abstractPerspective distributed information systems (DIS), along with the often present property of criticality of use, increasingly possess the agent properties of autonomy, mobility, intelligence, cooperativeness. Automated systems of technical diagnostics (ASTD) of such DIS in accordance with the first property should ensure their complete real-time testing, and for both static hardware-software and information environment of DIS placement, and for a dynamic set of information-control flows corresponding to the main functions and scenarios of her work, that is, her behavior. DIS agent properties only increase the need and deepen the content of testing this behavioral DIS model by ASTD. This paper discusses a complex model of behavioral check for DIS components, in particular, for cooperativeness of agents, based on a multidimensional, multi-level, heterogeneous and multi-purpose structure of their behavioral interactions. In accordance with this, both within each level, and between the levels of the near circle (adjacent) and the far circle (connected by one or more intermediate levels), behavior check and recognition are performed for input models of the automaton class. The check model has features, firstly, determining the structure of identifiers, atomic and compositional checks, corresponding to the multidimensional and multilevel structure of behavioral interactions; secondly, the signatures of special operations and relations of cooperation for these checks; thirdly, the basic laws of reception/transfer, transformation, inheritance, encapsulation, preservation/ /accumulation. The behavioral check model allows defining the basic conditions for constructing multi-level DIS verification methods, reducing the time and resource costs due to decomposition of the check analysis, in particular, multi-agent hierarchical, which is important for real-time verification.en
dc.subjectDistributed Information Systemsen
dc.subjectBehavioral Testingen
dc.subjectCheck Model, Identifieren
dc.subjectCheck Fragmenten
dc.titleMultidimensional Hierarchical Model of Behavioral Testing of Distributed Information Systemsen
dc.typeArticle in Scopusen
opu.kafedraКафедра комп’ютерних інтелектуальних систем та мережuk
opu.citation.journalEast-West Design and Test Symposiumen
Располагается в коллекциях:2019

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