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dc.contributor.authorLevashenko, Vitaly-
dc.contributor.authorЛевашенко, Віталій-
dc.contributor.authorHrkut, Patrik-
dc.contributor.authorГркут, Патрік-
dc.contributor.authorKovalenko, Andriy-
dc.contributor.authorКоваленко, Андрій-
dc.contributor.authorKurmasheva, Lyliya-
dc.contributor.authorКурмашева, Лілія-
dc.identifier.citationLevashenko, V., Hrkut, P., Kovalenko, A., Kurmasheva, L. (2022). Fuzzy Decision Trees in Medical Decision Making Support System. Modern technologies of biomedical engineering, р. 190–198.en
dc.identifier.citationFuzzy Decision Trees in Medical Decision Making Support System / V. Levashenko, P. Hrkut, A. Kovalenko, L. Kurmasheva // Modern technologies of biomedical engineering = Сучасні технології біомед. інженерії : рroceedings of the І International іcientific and technical conference, Odesa, may 25−27, 2022. – Оdesa, 2022. – P. 190–198.en
dc.description.abstractDecision Making Support System is used widely in medicine now because decisions play an important role in medicine, especially in medical diagnostic processes Decision Making Support Systems helping physicians are becoming a very important part in medical decision making, particularly in those situations where decision must be made effectively and reliably. Since conceptual simple decision making models with the possibility of automatic learning should be considered for performing such tasks, decision trees are a very suitable candidate. In this paper Fuzzy Decision Trees are proposed for the application in Medical Decision Making Support System. Induction of these Fuzzy Decision Trees is based on cumulative information estimates. Comparisons with different methods show it is a promising solution.en
dc.publisherОдеса, ОПen
dc.subjectMachine Learningen
dc.subjectFuzzy Decision Treesen
dc.titleFuzzy Decision Trees in Medical Decision Making Support Systemen
opu.citation.journalProceedings of the I International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern technologies of biomedical engineering”en
opu.citation.conferenceModern technologies of biomedical engineeringen
opu.conference.dates25−27 травня 2022 рокуen
Располагается в коллекциях:Сучасні технології біомедичної інженерії : Матеріали міжнародної науково-технічної конференці

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